Friday, May 4, 2012


My darling Emily,

I wish I could write words that conveyed the unnameable combination of emotions I feel when I think about how quickly the past 2 years have gone. You have changed so much in the past year it is scary and amazing all at the same time.
Since becoming a mama I have realized that my children's birthdays are more than just presents, cake, candles and balloons. They are days that make me stop and reflect on the passage of time, an opportunity to take a walk down memory lane and remember all the things that make you you.

Emmie, you are very much daddy's princess, a true girly girl at heart. You adore hair pretties and wearing piggies, hats are your favorite accessory and you have an ever evolving sense of style.
 Using a winter must have, and wearing a vintage piece (her Auntie Jessica's dress) Emily effortlessly updates the look with a pair of complimentary fur topped boots.

 You are the  most expressive little girl, your every emotion shows clearly on your face

You even love Hiyo enough to share your birthday ice cream

Loving you is Heaven, my sweet pea. You are precious and loved, and always will be. Happy 2nd birthday Emily Makenna!

As much as I love you today, I know from experience I will love you even more tomorrow

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