Monday, April 30, 2012


On the way to taking Kyle to daycare after preschool we fell in line with a group of buses carrying National Guard soldiers being deployed to Afghanistan, and a long line of cars with the family members of the soldiers who were following them to say their goodbyes. They were all being escorted by about 15 Patriot Guard Riders. On each of the bikes were 3 flags, which caught Kyle's attention. I glanced over at the drivers of the cars and had to hold back tears because the anguish on the faces of those family members and friends was so easy to see. Kyle asked why there were so many motorcycles with flags on them and I had a hard time answering right away. How do you explain to a three year old the significance of the line of buses, motorcycles, and cars carrying heart broken people? Once I was able to speak I told him simply that the buses were taking many soldiers to the airport and they were going away for a long time, and that the flags were a way for the people on the motorcycles to show the soldiers that they respected them and wished them a safe trip.

Thank you to all the soldiers who selflessly give up so much to protect so many, and to the people they leave behind. Thank you as well to the real American Patriots who work so hard to show their support for our military heroes.

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