Monday, April 23, 2012

Easter, Easter and Easter Again

This year we celebrated Easter to the third power. The festivities kicked off with an egg hunt at the Dakota Zoo. Emily was not feeling the big, fuzzy bunny.
Everyone got bunny ears to help get in the spirit
We got there early and I was happy to see that it wasn't going to be a freaky free for all with 12 year old kids plowing down helpless toddlers in the quest to find the most pastel colored eggs. The good people at the zoo had created roped off areas for different age groups. Instead of Emily being the sad little toddler without any eggs, she was actually one of the biggest kids in her area and turned out to be an egg hog!
"Holy, Emmie, how did you get so many eggs?"
There was a drawing for an outrageously enormous stuffed bunny. Of course Livesay luck kicked in and Travis and Emily had the winning ticket. The rest of us missed the big moment in the name of going to see if the "rockidles" were in their pool; a quest which left the littles disappointed because even though the weather had been unbelievable warm this spring, the crocodiles were still in their winter vacation home. Brina was the big winner of the day, but she graciously agreed to joint custody after seeing how heart broken Kyle was to have the big bunny go home with his cousin.
The itty bitties have been so good this year that the Easter Bunny decided they needed two more egg hunts followed the following week, one at home and one at Nana's and Papa's.
Apparently Emily was not impressed with the little plastic frog that she found in one of the eggs
That clever bunny brought Daddy and Kyle matching shirts, just calling for a tough guy pose. Brina's tough guy face looks a little more like an I-just-ate-a-lemon face, maybe she needs a batman shirt too.

Since Grayson was due to arrive so close to Easter, the family decided that everyone would postpone the family Easter in Jamestown until after the baby was born. In addition to all the usual figure friendly food, we had presents for Grayson
 gift bags to jump in
 time for family pictures
 and a treasure hunt!
Hope you all had a wonderful and family filled Easter!

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