Tuesday, May 15, 2012

He's Four!?!?!

Dearest Kyle

At least once a week you and I have a discussion about how big you are getting. It usually consists of me holding you in a bear hug and begging you to stay little. Usually you laugh and says "No, mama, I want to be big, big, big, big!" On occasion you will agree to never get too big to snuggle with me. But every once in a while maybe you share in my melancholy at how you used to fit so nicely in my lap and how you could snuggle up into a little ball in my arms because you'll say, "ok, mama, I will stay wittle".

While so many things have changed since we spent our days like this, thankfully somethings have stayed the same.  You still love smoochers and giving me a huge squish and a squeeze, cuddling and doing what your daddy and I do.
 You are my best helper, and will readily jump in to help out with the dishes or sweeping. Emily is not fond of picking up her toys, and many times you will run around cleaning up after your little sister.

You are a fabulous big brother and have accepted Grayson into your life
just as easily as you did Emily.
I love how you were so willing to share all of your favorite "tings" with Emily when she was a baby,
and now with Grayson
Your amazing balance and coordination combined with your sense of fearlessness have kept me on my toes at times, and your sense of adventure will surely bring me some moments of fear. For now you are content to climb whatever you can whenever you can.
Within 5 minutes of first learning how to use the motorized 4 wheeler we got for your birthday, you were already switching it into high gear and trying something new; standing up
Without question I know that the trepidation I felt when your dad enabled the faster speed on the 4 wheeler is nothing compared to what I will feel in the future when you discover things like hockey or football, dirt bikes or motorcycles, and Heaven help me when you are ready to start driving a real car, or when you begin dating.....

The past year has brought many  new and exciting changes to your life as well.You started preschool this year, and while I know this might change in the future, you have adored your time at school. You have learned how to write your name,
made new friends, and explored musical theater and had a starring role as a camel in the Christmas program.
Thomas the Train has been replaced by Batman as your new favorite obsession
All traces of the chubby cheeked toddler have disappeared
leaving a handsome young man with a quick and easy smile and a contagious laugh.

Happy 4th Birthday Kyle James. You have given the last 4 years more meaning than I could have ever imagined and more memories than I can count. You will always be my baby boy.
I love you the best plus one!

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