Sunday, May 20, 2012

we survived another birthday month

Somehow Emily got to celebrate her birthday 3 times this month. There was her actual birthday when we went out for ice cream
There was the family evening where she got most of her presents and a lemon-raspberry cake (which she totally asked for, btw)
And of course, the big Batman-Tinkerbell Extravaganza. Having two young kids with birthdays that are less than 2 weeks apart presents a unique challenge ~ how to celebrate each itty bitty without overdosing on cake and overwhelming family and friends with too many parties too close together. I figured that while the bigger itty bitties were still young that we could get away with having one big family party, which worked brilliantly last year. Now that Kyle has been in preschool for a year I decided he could invite some of his friends this year. When I started planning the party I asked Kyle who he would like to invite and he named a handful of boys from his class. When I asked if he was going to invite a couple of the girls that he has mentioned in the past he emphatically declared "no, Mama, NO wittle girls allowed!" In the end he did gracefully concede to allowing some girls like Emily, Brina, and his friend Addison to come. We ended up inviting 7 of his classmates (all boys). We reserved a park shelter close to a playground that would be fun for the toddlers and the bigger kids, since this seemed the easiest way to entertain a herd of 4 and 5 year old tornadoes. Luck was not to be on my side, however, and the weather went from unseasonably warm and sunny to cold and rainy the day of the party.

The weather was not the only party related disaster, oh no. The previous two years have produced cakes and cupcakes that were a "bit" on the dry side. And this year? What happens when I go into panic mode and attempt to make cupcakes without cupcake pans (because I forgot to borrow them from my MIL)? Cupcake blobs.
We all know how brutally mean honest kids can be, and since I didn't feel like being reduced to tears by a bunch of 2-5 year olds, I put out an SOS to Nana and Grannie. Luckily Nana rushed over with her pans and stayed to help me re-make the batch, and we ended up with more kid-friendly cakes.
When I woke up this morning and realized that instead of the perfect party where all the kids could eat as much cake and ice cream as they wanted and run off their sugar highs in a wide open park was instead going to turn into a OMG-what-am-I-going-to-do-with-all-of-these-kids-in-my-house party, I admit that I had a few moments of panic. 
In the end the day was full of fun and laughter, no major injuries to report, and Travis even overhead one of Ky's buddies proclaim that "this was the best party ever!" I can speculate that this sentiment was brought out by any combination of the following scenarios that occurred in my basement today:
  1. the fact that Travis lets Kyle play all manner of sports in the house
  2. the game dodge ball using my exercise ball that is bigger than most of them
  3. the wrestling match that broke out downstairs
  4. the discovery of the dart board 
  5. Lord only knows what else
In addition to the general chaos that naturally follows a group of 4 and 5 year old boys, we had a feminine touch to festivities as well in the form of a houseful of fairy princesses
Happy birthday my littles, today you were surrounded by family and friends that love you almost as much as I do!
P.S. evidence why I won't be doing another Kyle-Emily party combo.
Doesn't look to bad, you say? Well this is only the upstairs. I was spared the after math in the basement by my amazing MIL who cleaned up while I tried to get an overstimulated Grayson to sleep!

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