Sunday, May 13, 2012

Life Moments

Things that have made me tear up this past week:
  1. After reading Kyle's bed times story the other night, Travis came to bed and said that Ky had done something that he hadn't done since he was very little. Expecting a story of Kyle being mischievious or naughty I was caught off guard when Travis said that he used wiggle his fingers at Kyle as he was leaving the bedroom after putting him to bed and that Ky would wiggle his fingers back at him, but that he hadn't waved back at Travis in a long time, but this night he did. The things that Kyle remembers often surprise me, but this was a sweet moment between Daddy and son that I am lucky to learned about.
  2. Seeing Grayson's tiny little hand grasping my finger while he is nursing.
  3. Mother's Day 2012 was wonderful. It was Nana's birthday as well and we had the entire family over supper and cake. After every one had left Kyle kept giving me hugs and kisses. During one especially tight squeeze Ky looked up at me and said "You're a good mama."
  4. Every day Kyle comes to sit by me when I am holding Grayson and says "how is Grayson today? Is he happy? How are you, Grayson?" Not a day goes by without him giving is baby brother kisses.
  5. Emily's exclamation of "Mama!" as she breaks into her adorable waddle/sprint as she runs to me, grabs my legs in a huge squeeze and beams her beautiful smile up at me.

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