Saturday, March 5, 2011

Tweet! Tweet!

Every so often I hear "Lisa, there's a (insert animal, tree, fish, actually you could insert anything to do with wild life and/or nature), do you know what kind it is?" Ahhh, the life of a wife of an outdoor enthusiast/biology major/big game hunter. Quite honestly my answer is usually a blank stare or "uhhh, no." after which I generally resume the task at hand, be it sweeping or driving down the road. One such conversations a few weeks ago lead Travis to inform me  that we have chuckers living in our back yard. I had seen the fat little birds waddling around back there, and Kyle always races to the widow if anyone mentions the birds in the back yard, but that's as far as my interest went. Kyle is well on his way to following in his father's nature loving footsteps, so off to Lowe's we trekked to buy some bird seed, only to be faced with about 10 different options. Now I'm all for options when it comes to most things like types of salad dressing, styles of shoes, or lotion scents, however is it really necessary for there to be 10 different combinations of bird seed? Who gets paid to sit in an office and devise these combinations any way? Probably the same people who come up with different flavors of Gatorade. Despite the absurdity of being faced with so many types of bird seed, you know I whipped out my smart phone and googled "what do chuckers eat?" Snicker if you will, but you know you would do it too. In the end we chose a tasty looking mix and back home we went to feed the birds. Kyle helped Travis spread little piles of our tasty choice from the greenway at the far back edge of our yard all the way up close to the house to see if we could entice the chuckers to come up close and personal like.

As much as Kyle loves to see the birds eating food, he just can't help himself from screaming "Tweet! Tweet!" at the window whenever he sees the fat little things, which sends them scurrying off over the dirt hill. Emily loves to see the birds as well, but she has a slightly different reaction when she sees them out the patio widow.

You'll have to decide for yourself whether she is trying to kiss them, or help them eat their food!

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