Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My creativity has it's limits

This is the post where I admit to having a slightly addictive personality. For as long as I can remember I have had a tendency to become slightly obsessed with things I am interested in, making hand crafted items for instance. When my mom taught me how to crochet in high school I made a couple hundred afghans and delighted in giving them all away as gifts. Ok, may a couple hundred is a slight exaggeration, but for many years I made blankets, keeping only one or two for myself. I also tried scrapbooking many moons ago, and even though my efforts produced one book (that I gave away), to this day I have enough scrapbooking supplies to make a scrapbook for everyone I know. This is not an exaggeration.

After Emily was born I began making flower clips for hats and headbands, thanks to my friend Nikki, who I fully blame for introducing me to these totally trendy fashion accessories for diva babies! Anyone who knows Nikki knows that she is a pretty fashionable lady, and that her baby girl, Kaiya, is following in her footsteps and is always sporting a super cute flower on a hat or headband. I also began crocheting baby beanies to go along with the flower clips I was making. Lucky for me I was able to sell my flowers, hats and headbands through my mom's jewelry business Cherishables. She sells her beautiful jewelry and other hand made items at Pride of Dakota events, Urban Harvest, craft shows, and at The Memory Shack, and has been selling some of my items at various events over the course of the past few months.

There has been enough interest in my flowers and hats that I decided to expand my product line to include more unique, fun flowers that ladies of all ages can wear. The slogan for my shop is Simple. Fun. Unique.

I have many other colors of flowers in various that I will be producing and selling. As much as I love photography, I am a total amateur so these pictures don't do the new blossoms justice at all! I am going to open an Etsy store, which is an online community of artisans who all produce hand made items. As the title of this post implies, my creativity does not run along the lines of being able to produce a witty shop name and so I need some help! I am looking for suggestion for my shop, and if I chose your suggestion, you will be rewarded with some of my hand made items. Not the flowery type? These make great gifts so let's hear your best! I'm also looking to partner with a photographer who is willing to trade services, so if you have any names for me I'd love to hear them as well.


  1. You think being OTs we would be the most creative people on Earth, but I'm in the same boat as you: I can't think of a clever name!! I wish I could help you out :(

    I think the baby headbands, hats, etc. are very cute, but I'm most partial to the smaller flowers, like the one's Em is wearing in the first 2 pictures.

    Very cool!

  2. I totally agree about the smaller flowers Shannon, they are my favorite for the itty bitty girls! That's another reason I decided to make my own fabric flowers, there's so much more versatility with colors, shapes and sizes.

    I've been trying for about a month to think of a name, but everything I come up with is already used, or sounds silly after a while. Don't give up on me, you may just come up with something brilliant in a few days!
