Saturday, April 20, 2013

party planning

Choosing a birthday theme with a young little lady is tricky business. First of all party planning must begin a two or three months ahead of time to allow for adequate time for pinterest surfing, price comparing, and decoration creating. Thus it came to be that in mid March Emily was over-the-moon excited at the idea of having a ladybug party. As time passed, that excitement cooled and tears flowed at the mere mention of ladybug party as the little miss alternated between princesses, Dora, butterflies,Hello Kitty, etc. etc. as the party themo-the-day. A sure fire way to re-establish the idea that ladybugs were the way to go? Styrofoam, pipe cleaners, and paint. And googly eyes. Yup, recipe for success!

Red ladybugs just wouldn't do for Miss Emily, oh no, pink was the way to go. You can always count on Kyle for a little help, especially when googly eyes are involved.
 Experience has taught me that the nano second my back was turned that my angel children would probably be painting something other than the styrofoam balls so I used a little reverse psychology and told them not to paint their hands. I like to believe that by planting that seed I prevented further mayhem such as painting their clothes, the chairs, or more likely than not, each other's faces
 In the end the 2 mama ladybugs and 6 baby ladybugs renewed the excitement until the day of the party! Mama wins again!

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