Wednesday, April 10, 2013

grayson is one

Today my thoughts have been filled with moments from the past year. Grayson, you have grown so quickly, learning more and more every day. I hardly remember how it felt to hold you in my arms as a newborn.
You fit so perfectly into our lives, it is hard to remember life before you.
You have a big brother that adores you. He will teach you so many things, like how to climb and jump and ride a bike, how to "get the bad guys" on the wii. He is good at getting Emmie in trouble, so I have no doubt you will benefit from his expertise in mischief as well.
From a young age you learned how to torment your big sister. For some reason you have an amazing power over her, and all you have to do is look her way to send her into hysterics. She does love you though, and another thing I know for certain is that if you are anything like your father you will be a master at pestering and Emily may just be your favorite target.
You love to laugh and wrestle and be chased, you rival Emily in the insatiable appetite department and spent a huge majority of your day sitting here...
 looking like this....
Today my baby boy turns one. You are so loved and cherished, dear one. Thank you for making our family complete.

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