Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Who needs a puppy when Emily is around?

Lots of families have puppies as part of their families. They love them, and play with them, and reap the rewards of the living vacuum cleaner at meal time. We don't have a puppy, but I'd place bets on Emily's ability to out eat just about any puppy when it comes to food on the floor.

Sure, babies are known for their unwavering determination to stick weird things in their mouths, this is how they explore their world, no big deal. Ha! Emily has made it her life's goal to find every little speck of anything on the floor and eat it. However, stick a cut up banana or carrot on her highchair tray and sit back to enjoy the look of pure disdain that she will surely shoot your way. Take this morning for example. She has sprung her two bottom teeth and so I've been trying to introduce soft solids into her diet for the past few weeks. First thing this morning when I knew she was starving I gave her some chopped up banana, and this is what I got in return
 You expect me to eat that?

 You eat it, puhleeze mama!
 Things she will eat include
 smushed up banana
 unidentifiable crumbs Kyle drops

Since we moved into the new house you can also find Emily cruising along where the living room carpet meets the laminate flooring in the kitchen, picking at the edge of the carpet until she finds the loose fibers, which must surely taste better than a chopped up carrot judging from the hundreds I have already wrestled out of her mouth in the past 2 months. She now realizes that mama and daddy usually win when it comes to removing things from her mouth, and she has started just sticking her tongue for us to take the (insert random non-food item here) out of her mouth. Sometimes when she sees us coming, she smiles sweetly and just handing us the (insert random non-food item here).

Another super talent of Emily's ~ the ability to crawl at moch 7 when she spies a tasty morsel across the room. Yup, my money is on Emily. If you find yourself with nothing to do some evening, just gather up your puppy and a couple of bucks and come on over.

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