Sunday, April 17, 2011


This is the first year that we colored Easter eggs with Kyle. Despite the 10 beautiful colors of dye he had to choose from, the only color worthy of his attention was, of course, wellow.

 Where does he come up with these poses?
 If Kyle was captain of this ship, all of the eggs would have been wellow.....
 ...just like his hands.
For those of you who noticed the wardrobe change, yes I actually did intend for him to wear a white shirt to color eggs. I figured if he got enough dye on it we would end up with a tie-dyed look and I could claim to be one of those super artsy moms who does fun projects with my kids all day. Unfortunately Kyle decided to have a little OCD moment and change the second he got a little, barely noticeable drop of color on his t-shirt, go figure.

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