Sunday, April 18, 2010

My world

There is a point that has to be reached whenever you are facing an event in your world that is life altering. You know that point I'm talking about. A decision has been made (little darling #2) and you've planned, worried, accepted, anticipated, etc. and you are able to just cruise along in your life with this event looming on the horizon. Then suddenly (please insert Emeril Lagasse's voice here) BAM! you hit that point. The full realization of exactly how your decision is going to change your world. Forever.

I hit my (please insert Emeril Lagasse's voice here) BAM! moment at about 3 a.m. this morning. Little darling #2 will be here sometime within the next 2-3 weeks. Oh. Emm. Gee.

Lately it is really is not that unusual for me to be awake when the rest of my world is asleep, but I'm usually back in lala land by now. Today is different. I got up at 3:30 to write down the list of things that I need to get done this week. It is a long list. A few weeks ago I was awake around this same time thinking that Travis and I hadn't really prepared much for little darling #2 yet. I was actually able to convince myself that there wasn't much to do after we spent that $1.5 million dollars on baby things when I was pregnant with Kyle. Call it denial, call it procrastination, call it what you will ~ I'm good at it! It is a talent that I have a love/hate relationship with, but try as I might I cannot change it. I think it is in my genes and right now, at 4:30 in the morning, I really am loathing it.

I have not yet been able absorb enough of Travis's take charge talent to be able to say that I have fully been integrated into the world of being a true "Livesay".  Travis's family (well, most of his family lol) is amazing in their supernatural talent to realize goals and get them done. No procrastination or denial, just action. And so as I review my loooong list of things to accomplish this week, I had a most delightful thought ~ I think maybe Travis should have our next baby.

1 comment:

  1. I completely hear ya! I do think that since we had a different gender, we focused on things that we needed specific to that gender. Otherwise, we pretty much had everything until we realized that we didn't necessarily have everything for baby #2. Now, with baby #3 coming, we haven't done anything all over again (though we do need a mini-van, but that will not come until later this year). This will be Mr. Hand-Me-Down boy, who will wear dirty shirts, play with broken toys, and read bent-up books.
