Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Lazy Days at Lake L'Homme Dieu

Five. Yup that's how many days we enjoyed at the lake this year. Five. Amazing. Beautiful. Days. We usually wind up bringing some pretty awful weather with us whenever we attempt to vacation at Auntie Cheryl's lake cabin. In fact last time we were there we experienced sustained winds over 40 mph for pretty much 2 days straight, even through the night. Joyful. We couldn't have asked for better weather this year.

The trip down last summer was kind of rough. Neither of the kids particularly enjoyed being in their carseats longer than an hour or two, so much of the time found Mama squished in the back seat between the itty bitties, desperately trying to keep them both from fussing/crying/threatening mutiny. This year, much more entertaining for all, well maybe not for Ky! 
Some of the highlights from this year's festivities include:

Daddy and Kyle time
Trips to the lake bring a million first time experiences to the lives of our itty bitties, not all of them pleasant. Our little mister had his first dose of heat exhaustion and was sick for one evening. Not even a brief episode of dehydration and the pukes held him back for long though. Not when there are so many pish to be caught! It's not hard to smile when you outfish every one else on the dock!
  A HUGE change from last year's reaction to catching those pish:
  Yes, the favorite wellow hat survived the previous year to make a return trip to the lake!

Babies in sun hats (kinda makes me wish we lived some where tropical, sigh)

Helping Papa man the boat.....
and scout for icebergs!

No trip to the lake would be right if we didn't have at least a little bad weather. Fortunately this year the icky stuff came at night. Auntie Cheryl decided that at 3 years old, Kyle was more than man enough to help clean up after the storm and earn his keep!

You might not guess this to be true, but being related to a dinosaur genius (a.k.a. Cousin Heidi) comes in handy at the most random times. One might think that the discovery of a small stash of dinosaur toys would delight a 3 year old boy to no end, but alas just doing the "dinoswar stomp" with his new found treasures was not enough for Kylesaurus Rex. BTW, when little boys who love to watch "Dinosaur Train" on PBS ask you to name the dinosaurs, they are not impressed when you tell them Larry, Moe, and Curly. I quickly uploaded a picture of the dinos in question to Facebook, hoping that Heidi would see it, and behold, within 1 minute the following conversation ensued:

Happy 4th of July everyone!

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