Sunday, May 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Kyle!

Three years ago today, at 11:12 p.m. we welcomed an 8 lb. 6 oz., 21 1/2 inch long "little" baby boy into our lives
It was this moment that changed me, made me Mama for the rest of my life. In the weeks and days leading up to your arrival we could never know how naturally you would fit right in. Within moments we couldn't remember what life was like without you.
In this moment Travis also changed, becoming Daddy for the rest of his life. You brought out a tender compassion in him that I had never seen before. Priorities changed and you gave both of us a new reason for living.
My darling boy, you are strong and brave, silly and full of laughter, learning new things every day. I always know when I say a word or a phrase that you don't understand because you repeatedly say "what, Mama?". The moment that I finally explain it in a way that you understand is clear because you simply say "oh" and continue on with whatever you were doing.
You are brilliant and inquisitive beyond all belief. Somewhere inside of you is stored an boundless energy, and you would live outside if we let you.
You get your love of being around other people from Daddy, and delight in saying "hi, guy" to the random passer by, giggling with pure happiness when they say "hi" back. You are always willing to help, and I love that you want so much to be doing what ever Mama and Daddy are doing.
We know that all too soon the day will come when you will want your space and independence, making these moments even more precious.
You are a loving big brother, accepting Emily into your life like she's always been there. Already you are her protector and her tormentor, maybe even her biggest fan, often saying "I love my Elowee" 
You own a huge piece of my heart, sweet boy, and I am honored to have been given the opportunity to love you and have your love in return. I will always be here to kiss your boo boos and while I may not be able to fix all your hurts, know that I will do what I can to help you through them.
Happy birthday Kylesaurus Rex, today we celebrate you!

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