He loved riding around in that thing. Of course he brought everything but the kitchen sink on our evening strolls, and once he learned he could throw things out of the wagon and Mama and Daddy would have to chase down the ball, or run back for the paint brush every time, well then the fun just exponentially multiplied. Mama loved it too, for a different reason:
After all, one of the main reasons to have children is for slave labor, right? Even though I loved the ride, letting little Kyle out of the wagon was a big mistake. Just like so many other things in life, once kids learn something new, there is no returning to the old. Once Kyle realized what it was like to walk instead of ride it was like trying to throw a cat in water any time we tried to put him in the wagon. So this year he got a bike for his birthday.
Being the fashionable 3 year old boy that he is, Kyle insisted on a helmet that would make a statement. The statement he chose is "get out of my way or I will eat you!"
We started out with some coaching.....
....a little hands on help.....
....added pure determination....
a few more instructions....
..and we have a rider!
Emily demonstrated her fashionability too, and we ended up with a picture reminiscent of one taken when Kyle was a baby
Emily 2011
Kyle 2009