We made it! We have successfully moved for the 2nd time in three months. We spent the past weekend moving and unpacking everything that could fit into boxes, and the movers brought over all of our furniture this morning. Considering that the actual temp today was -13 (without wind chill), the $205.50 moving fee plus $60 tip was more than worth it!
One of the down sides to having Travis home all weekend to do the unpacking while I worked was his discovery of the stash of kids clothes that I have accumulated since Emily was born. To hear him tell the story you would think that I need rehab or something. He actually accused me of having a spending problem, however, he has no idea how much money I have actually saved him!
Another thing to consider is that the top rack is filled with clothes from 12 months – 2T for Emily, and the bottom rack has clothes for Kyle that he will wear over the course of the next year. So judge me as you see fit, but keep in mind that I have clearance sales written on my calendar and I am willing to share this info with those that are sympathetic to my cause. For the rest of you remember that I can block you from ever reading this blog again....
Glad you're back, Lisa! Can't wait to see pictures of your new house :)