Thursday, July 29, 2010

Life lesson

Washing dishes is really a mindless activity, requiring very little attention or conscious thought. There is no telling how long I stared at it as I was elbow deep in soap suds before it registered exactly what I was staring at. I dropped the bowl I was washing and tried to find the courage to walk on to the deck to pick it up.

Today I learned a lesson. One that I want to share with you. If you ever find yourself asking "now where is that sippy cup full of milk?" I beg you please, please do not let anything distract your attention from the mission of locating that sippy cup. I cannot say exactly what made me quit looking for the sippy cup of milk that I had given to Kyle with supper last night, but it was hot out yesterday, and it was hot out today. Needless to say once I finally forced my legs to carry me out onto the deck I not very excited to open the missing sippy cup. Did I mention that I had mixed a scoop of peanut butter flavored protein powder in Kyle's milk yesterday? Or how hot it has been during the 20+hours since the cup when missing?

pu·trid [pyoo-trid]

1. in a state of foul decay or decomposition, as animal or vegetable matter; rotten.
2. of, pertaining to, or attended by putrefaction.
3. having the odor of decaying flesh.
I think that says it all. Lesson learned.


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