Friday, April 30, 2010


Kyle is a man of few words. Literally. Actually he tries to say quite a few things, it is just difficult to understand a lot of what he says. He has groups of words that sound the same, and he definitely has his own vocabulary. A lot of time the context of the situation helps me to decipher what we are talking about. Take balloons for example. Kyle looooves balloons. When he sees them in stores he gets so excited that he temporarily will lose the ability to speak intelligently and resorts to pointing and making a monkey like grunt of "oo-oo-oo-oo". Once he regains his composure, he then says "Loon! Loon! Loon!". However, if we are at home and he is standing at the window, pointing at the sky and chanting "Loon! Loon! Loon!" I know he has spotted the moon.

Kyle has a cousin, Brina, who is one year older than he is. I remember one day when Brina was about Kyle's age and we were all over at Travis's parents' house. Jessica had asked Brina to do something and she stubbornly refused, stating an emphatic "No". I laughed and jokingly said that my child would never tell me no, and I can honestly say that to this day Kyle has yet to tell us "no". His refusals generally come with a look of disdain, followed by a haughty "Mo" and a shake of the head.

"Appoh" is another good one. Red, shiny fruit is appoh, but so are his two Uncles. Next time Kevin or Mark come over I should give them an apple to eat and see what happens....

Kyle adores Brina, but since that darn letter 'b' is so difficult to pronounce, she has been dubbed Ninna. We have pictures of our family in the hallway and Kyle loves to name the people in the photographs. "Mamma, Daddy, Kywo, Ninna, Poppa, Appoh" The two grandmas get the shaft, but with prompting he will say "Nana, and Annie", which I think is kind of funny considering that he loves both of them so much. Kyle gets super excited when we go to Nana's and Poppa's house, and will start saying "Poppa! Poppa!" as soon as we turn on to their street. However, as soon as we get there Kyle runs straight to Nana, and in Travis's words, snubs his Poppa. 

Even though there are times when I worry about his speech being delayed I kind of miss some of the things he used to say that were uniquely Kyle. My two favorites have to be "bup" and "mom-mom". Who can resist a sweet little boy with raised arms asking to be picked "bup"?? Mom-mom preceded mamma and didn't last long, but it is the first thing Kyle called with me any consistency. And, of course, there is the famous Bo-boesssssss, but I have a feeling that one will stick.

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