Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Apples and Pumpkins

While I am not huge on making New Year’s resolutions, apparently my baby girl is. On Thanksgiving we gave Emmie her first taste of solid food ~ a festive blend of apples, cranberries and squash. It did not go over so well. The next food was peas. Again, she was not impressed. In all of the wisdom gained from months of trying every type of baby food available when Kyle was a baby, I decided to save a lot of money  time and put Emily on a baby food hiatus until January. So with half-hearted hope, I decided to give it another try. And honestly,  after 8 months of being on a liquid diet, who can blame a girl for wanting some real food? Apples and pumpkin was the ticket, and we went from this:

 to this:

This time around peas were also a success, with Kristen reporting that Emily ate them like a champ. Spinach and Potatoes were not quite as well liked. I have found ways to sneak spinach into Kyle’s blueberry muffins, and since I consider myself to be an equal opportunity food deceptor, I found a way to fool Emmie into eating it as well. First I scoop the spinach onto the spoon, and then cover it with a scoop of carrots. Instead of me having to pry her mouth open, or trick her into smiling or laughing so I can quickly slip the spoon into her mouth, Emily saw the orange carrots on her spoon and willing opened wide. And so the life long skill of trickery has begun.

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