Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The day of 200 stickers

Today was a good day. I continue to be weary of taking both of the itty bitties out in public by myself after a trip to the mall in which it took about 30 minutes to get from one side of the mall to the other. Being a two year old boy means that Kyle is infatuated with bacters (that's tractors to the rest of us), and since yah-yoh is his favorite color, you can imagine his reaction when we entered the mall only to find a yah-yoh bacter extravaganza, hence the 30 minute struggle stroll through the mall. Despite the PTSD related sweats I felt at the mere thought of another outing, I utilized my OT skills in self relaxation and decided to take Emmie and Kyle to story time with Ms. Sparkles. I figured that if I could endure the embarrassment I felt at dragging my toddler kicking and screaming away from bacters at the mall, that a room full of other moms with screech prone toddlers would be no problem should my little siren act up. Kyle loved story time! There were stories and songs about frogs, puppets and a drum, what more could a little boy want? Emmie smiled and cooed as I crooned about speckeled frogs eating delicious bugs, and Kyle danced his little heart out.

The success of story time made me brave enough to extend the outing and try another trip to the mall. I wanted to get some stickers for a potty chart for Ky, and figured I could bribe him with the promise of a new frog book if things got too hairy.  Trying to outsmart the yah-yoh bactors I parked on the north side of the mall, forgetting about the little cluster of those obnoxious kiddie car rides that are like crack for kids ~ expensive, and once they get a taste, they just gotta have more. Lucky for me, Kyle must have still had visions of frogs and dragonflies in his head, because we only spent about 2 minutes with the kiddie crack machines (no money exchanged hands), and the lure of a new frog book was just too good to resist. Once we got to Target we found some super sparkly star and smiley face stickers in the $1 bin, Score!

Have I ever shared Ky's love of dit-ders? He loves them so much that by the end of the day everything in the house was covered with the shiny little buggers!
the coffee table
Kyle's high chair
the couch
Mama, and last, but not least:

Only Miss Em was lucky enough to escape unscathed!

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