Tuesday, June 22, 2010

You're gonna miss this

Where do my days go? I had so many plans for what my summer would be like ~ taking the kids to story time, being able to go for walks in the mornings, playing with Kyle and Emily, and having a home that is a shiny thing of spotless beauty. I was going to devote nap time to really getting into digital scrapbooking and creating this amazing blog to chronicle this precious time. Unfortunately, reality has turned into something quite different. I'd forgotten what it is like to have a newborn and between the two little darlings I feel as if I am either feeding someone, changing a dipe, wiping a nose, changing a dirty outfit, you get the idea. The universe has conspired against my best plans for a house that Martha Stewart could be proud of. Evidently toys do not belong in the toy box and shoes do not belong in the closet which could be explained by the repeated and frequent appearance of Hurricane Kyle.

Unbeknownst (yes this is a word, google it if you don't believe me) to either Travis or me, our home builder installed counter top that is magnetic and attracts random objects. Apparently this magnetic pull is so strong that it has also spread to my dining room table. My "needs to be washed" laundry pile never gets smaller than 4 loads at any given time. Digital scrapbooking is nearly impossible with a 2 year old tornado on your lap, and sadly story time at the library seems to fall right at the same time as Emily's 2nd breakfast, and nap time for the little ones generally turns into nap time for Momma as well.

Just when you might be thinking to yourself "Geez, is she going to complain her way through this whoooole post?" I am happy to say that all is not lost. My house may look lived in, and my time may not be my own, but I couldn't be happier because I have this

and this

and they won't be little long. In the wise words of Trace Adkins:

You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this

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