Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Waking up on the wrong "side" of the bed

Kyle has been able to crawl out of his crib for quite a while now. The discovery of this ability combined with the uncanny ability to push mama's buttons (inherited from his ever loving daddy) made for very difficult nap and bed time transitions for a couple of weeks. Instead of going quietly to his room when it was time for nigh-night and reading in his crib until he was sleepy, a vicious cycle of mam-puts-ky-in-crib-ky-crawls-out began. For the most part we have broken this cycle, however every once in a while we will be awakened in the middle of the night by the sudden bright light glowing from the television set that is accompanied by the invasion of a warm little toddler body into our bed.

Our little monkey does continue to make rapid succession escape attempts on occasion, but mama has figured out a way to foil the little devil. As the mother of a toddler, I reserve the right to keep some of my methods secret, however this particular method may or may not involve the use of grip and twist door nob covers placed temporarily on the inside of un-named bedroom doors.

A few times in the past week Travis and I have had to employ my top secret method of keeping Kyle from escaping from his room during nap time. To our amusement we discovered Kyle had decided to try out some new sleeping arrangements.

and best of all.......

Kyle has also defined a whole new meaning to the term "waking up on the wrong side of the bed":

is it just me or does it sound like Kyle has a choice word for his mama around 1:30 and 1:32??

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Absolutely amazing

 A couple of weeks ago our friend Kaiya came to visit. Even though she is only about 2 weeks older than Emmie, we were so impressed with Miss Kaiya's amazing head control that we drug the secret out of her mommy. "She sits in her bumbo all the time!" exclaimed Nikki (brilliant OT extraordinaire if I must say). Ingenious idea. I have been scared to let Emmie have much floor time consider her brother's penchant for being overly affectionate with his baby sidder (sister) whenever Mama's attention is elsewhere, so the bumbo just might be the perfect solution. Enter Bumbo
As you can see, we need more practice! Hang in there Emmie, it will get easier!

Ahh, so much better!

Two weeks ago little Miss Em really struggled to hold her little head up during tummy time, but with skills gained with the help of the magical Bumbo (and a little coaching from Ky) drum roll please....

"Like dis, Ahmie"

Something happens to a woman when she becomes a mother. Even the quietest, most introverted mama suddenly becomes a blabber mouth when it comes to her children. And, like most Mamas that I know, I feel that my children are absolutely amazing and I delight in sharing every little achievement they make. And so I bring you Emmie's newest accomplishment, rolling over!

Absolutely Amazing!