Tuesday, June 22, 2010

You're gonna miss this

Where do my days go? I had so many plans for what my summer would be like ~ taking the kids to story time, being able to go for walks in the mornings, playing with Kyle and Emily, and having a home that is a shiny thing of spotless beauty. I was going to devote nap time to really getting into digital scrapbooking and creating this amazing blog to chronicle this precious time. Unfortunately, reality has turned into something quite different. I'd forgotten what it is like to have a newborn and between the two little darlings I feel as if I am either feeding someone, changing a dipe, wiping a nose, changing a dirty outfit, you get the idea. The universe has conspired against my best plans for a house that Martha Stewart could be proud of. Evidently toys do not belong in the toy box and shoes do not belong in the closet which could be explained by the repeated and frequent appearance of Hurricane Kyle.

Unbeknownst (yes this is a word, google it if you don't believe me) to either Travis or me, our home builder installed counter top that is magnetic and attracts random objects. Apparently this magnetic pull is so strong that it has also spread to my dining room table. My "needs to be washed" laundry pile never gets smaller than 4 loads at any given time. Digital scrapbooking is nearly impossible with a 2 year old tornado on your lap, and sadly story time at the library seems to fall right at the same time as Emily's 2nd breakfast, and nap time for the little ones generally turns into nap time for Momma as well.

Just when you might be thinking to yourself "Geez, is she going to complain her way through this whoooole post?" I am happy to say that all is not lost. My house may look lived in, and my time may not be my own, but I couldn't be happier because I have this

and this

and they won't be little long. In the wise words of Trace Adkins:

You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A little catching up to do

Where have the past 5 weeks gone? It is hard to believe that my little darling is already 5 weeks old, and harder to believe that I have yet to write something about the past month! Since women just love to tell everyone who will listen the story about their children's births, so I will share mine today. You might want to grab yourself a cup of coffee and a cheese danish as you may need the snack as you kick back and catch up on life on Livesay Lane....

May 4, 2010
Happy Birthday Emily Makenna! I started having contractions as soon as I woke up this morning. Travis took Kyle to daycare, and I was cautiously optimistic that today would be Baby Eviction Day. Even though I had hoped for a 38 week baby, a 39 weeker was just as acceptable (and much preferred over a 40 week, or heaven forbid a 41 week, baby!).  I called Travis at work around 9 to let him know that I was pretty sure today would be the day. I had to leave a message for him as he was busy with a patient. When he called back I let him know that he should cancel his afternoon appointments. Since his last appointment of the morning was scheduled for 11:00 I assured him that I could wait until after he saw this patient for him to come home.Unfortunately I had to call him back within 20 minutes to tell him to come home. By come home I really meant you need to be in your car 5 minutes ago. by 9:45 Travis had rushed home, snapped a couple of pregnant Momma pictures and we were on our way to the hospital!

There are many times when women are accused of being "emotional" or "hormonal". I offer the following events as evidence that just may prove that hormones have less to do with sometimes bizarre behavior, and that circumstances (and people) beyond our control just may be to blame.

Top 10 Events Responsible For Any Erractic Behavior That May Have Occurred On Baby Eviction Day
  1. Sitting in a wheelchair for over 20 minutes because the nice man at the desk was new to the job and the hospital had incorrect insurance information.
  2. Baby Eviction Day falling on the same day as 5 other Baby Eviction days, leading to being given a room that was barely big enough for the bed, let alone a laboring Momma, a nervous Daddy, a cheerful staff that included Dr. Bury and her posse of 5 or 6 nurses and CNAs along with all of the various gizmos and gadgets considered necessary for the birth of a baby.
  3. The contractions that accompany progressing from being 7cm dilated to 9cm within about 40 minutes.
  4. The memory of back labor setting in when I was 8 cm dilated during Kyle's labor.
  5. The smiling anesthesiologist (think of an overly happy cheerleader) trying to make me feel better about the fact that I could not have an epidural because I was "already dilated to 9!!!"  and would be pushing before it took effect.
  6. Not eating for 13 hours due to excessive bleeding and possibility of needing surgical intervention for a cervical tear (which turned out to be non-existant ~ I'm just a good bleeder).
  7. A very nice nurse who all but stood on my abdomen whilst giving me a uterine "massage" every 15 minutes for 2 1/2 hours in an attempt to stop the bleeding .
  8. Having my family and baby removed from the room during the 2 1/2 hours of uterine "massage".
  9. Medically induced contractions via IV drip to stop the bleeding, a.k.a. labor all over again (without the reward of a squirmy newborn).
  10. What? You really need one more to believe that sometimes women may act a little "crazy" and that it has nothing to do with hormones???
What type of erratic behavior did I engage in, you may find yourself asking. I will admit to nothing and just ask that you read through numbers 1-9 again and be satisfied that if I did indeed do, or say, something out of character that I really was not to blame!

In the end, what really matters is this:

and this:

To both my little darlings:
Before you were conceived, I wanted you
Before you were born, I loved you
Before you were here an hour, I would die for you
This is the miracle of love.

-Maureen Hawkins

Ok, so maybe you didn't need that cheese danish after all. I thought this was going to be the longest post in history to catch up, but the little ones are both awake and someone is always hungry in this house!