Saturday, June 30, 2012

lazy may and june days

The coming of July means Grayson will soon be three months old and that I will soon be returning to work. The older I get the faster time passes.  My blog remains sadly devoid of the picture filled, witty posts meant to amaze and astound family and friends of how we so easily handled the transition from a family of 4 to a family of 5. While I didn't fulfill my lofty dreams of cramming these precious days together with fun and adventure for Kyle and Emily, and my house looks more disastrous lived in then ever, I have a ton of pictures to remind me of everything we did do together, likesuchas (my newly discovered favorite phrase from a blog I faithfully stalk):

Kyle super slamming the basketball in itty bitty sports

 ...learning amazing ball handling skills
 ....cheering Kyle on at OWLS pond

 ...visits from super heroes bonding time
 ...going on a bear hunt at the zoo from a prairie dog's point of view
 ...being cute
...sprinkler fun
...strolls in the neighborhood
 ...never ending yard work
...playground fun

....and this one has been busy growing up so fast